The ‘Allaamah and Noble Scholar
Rabee’ Bin Haadee Al Madkhalee
(May Allah Preserve Him)
Translated by
Abu ‘Abdis Salaam Siddiq Al Juyaanee
Q: What is your advice O Shaikh to the one who sits with the people of
desires, attends their gatherings and gives them salutations in order that they
may be certain about what they (the innovators) say, so that they may (use this
information) to debate them?
A: Most of the time a person like this will end up becoming a hizbee
(partisan), either a tablighee, some type of sufi, or a shi’ite. It is incumbent that
the likes of these individuals be punished by Allah The Most Mighty and
Exalted because verily they are going against the way and guidance of
Muhammad (SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam), and the Salaf (the Righteous
Predecessors) while putting their religion at risk; most of the time they become
lost, go astray and join the (evil) hizbee groups.
Advice to the One Who Sits With the People of Desires
Ibn ‘Aqeel was a mountain from the mountains of the intellectuals,
profoundness, and knowledge. He was advised not to go and (sit with) the
mu’tazilah, (he however, did not heed the advice); he went to them and became
mu’tazilee. Abu Thar was from the students of Ad Daaruqutnee the Imaam of
the Sunnah, he (Abu Thar) heard a statement (from the people of innovation)
which overwhelmed him and he became a shi’ite. Abdur Razaaq used to sit
with Ja’far Bin Sulaimaan Ad Dabi’ee who had with him some shi’ite ways and
thus he (Abdur Razaaq) changed. He adopted shi’ism and thus became a poor
impoverished one from the shi’ite; although the shi’ism he had with him was
not extreme, and he is not to be faulted (to the same extent of the shi’ite that is
extreme); never the less he fell into shi’ism and was affected by it.
Therefore, the one who sits with the people of falsehood will most definitely be
affected by them despite what they want and will. No matter what they claim,
they will definitely be affected because the Messenger (SallAllahu Alaihi
Wasallam) is the truthful one who is trusted. He (SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam) has
warned against this and said,
“Verily the example of the righteous sitting and the evil sitting is like
that of the merchant of fine perfumes and the ironsmith. As far as the
merchant of perfume, he may either give you a sample as a gift, or you
may purchase some perfume from him, or (at least) you find from him a
good smell. Whereas, the ironsmith will either burn your clothes (due to
the flying sparks of iron oar), or you will find from him a bad smell.”
The righteous sitting –masha Allah- has three possible scenarios, all of them
being good. Either he will give you a sample as a gift saying “here you may
have this”, put some on you, or give you a bottle of perfume (as a gift). Or,
you may buy some perfume from him. You will benefit from him and this is
good. You’re not buying from him alcohol or something that is prohibited;
rather you are buying from him fine oils that Allah loves. Something that you
are encouraged to put on before you pray and/or enter into the Masjid. So like
this you will benefit from him. Or, (at least) you will find a good smell from
him and this too is good.
The evil sitting is like sitting with the ironsmith. Either he will burn your
clothes or you will find from him a repugnant smell (whose fumes) may cause
cancer or some other type of sickness and we seek refuge in Allah from this.
Advice to the One Who Sits With the People of Desires
So the evil sitting will most definitely afflict you in a bad way and with evil.
“An individual is on the religion of his companion and close friend, so let
each of you look carefully to the one whom they befriend.”
“The friends on that day will become enemies one to another except
those who are pious.” (Az Zukhruf: 67)
The people of desires and innovation are not from them (i.e. the pious). You
have verses and ahaadeeth1 that warn you (about sitting with the people of
innovation). (Yet despite all of this) you say, “No, get out of here (that’s not
going to happen to me).” Who has granted you an impermeable protection?
The Prophet (SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam) used to warn the Sahaabah (from
sitting with the people of innovation), the Salaf who where like mountains (of
knowledge, faith, adherence to the truth, etc.) used to plug their ears (from
listening to the people of innovation) and did not want to hear anything from
them. But you, you go to them, visit them and attend their gatherings, (you will
be) afflicted by their evil, deceptions, and accusations.
We have tried abundantly; we have tried abundantly, for more than thirty years
we have been trying (to get across to the likes of these people). They have
been deceived, lost and broken down. Their end result has already been
determined; they WILL be lost (and miserable). We ask Allah for safety!
Not matter what level of intelligences you achieve, (if you sit with them), verily
Allah will punish you. Your intelligence will not avail you. You must take the
necessary steps and means to safeguard and protect this religion that Allah has
given to you. Do not play with this bounty!
Presently, you will find that the hizbees of this country (Saudi Arabia), all of
them where originally Salafy as the origins of this country is Salafiyyah. All of
these (indigenous Saudi citizens) who became hizbee where lost due to them
mixing (with the hizbees), living along side of them, reading their books and
listening to the (tapes) of the people of desires.
1 Plural of hadeeth
Advice to the One Who Sits With the People of Desires
Everyone you see now, who it is said about them that they are hizbee, all of
them where lost due to this path; they were all taken and destroyed by the (evil)
philosophy, “I am taking the truth and leaving the evil.” (In reality), they are
taking the evil and leaving the truth, they become enemies to the truth. They
(end up) becoming of those who war against the people of the truth!
The ‘Allaamah and Noble Scholar
Rabee’ Bin Haadee Al Madkhalee
(May Allah Preserve Him)
Translated by
Abu ‘Abdis Salaam Siddiq Al Juyaanee
Q: What is your advice O Shaikh to the one who sits with the people of
desires, attends their gatherings and gives them salutations in order that they
may be certain about what they (the innovators) say, so that they may (use this
information) to debate them?
A: Most of the time a person like this will end up becoming a hizbee
(partisan), either a tablighee, some type of sufi, or a shi’ite. It is incumbent that
the likes of these individuals be punished by Allah The Most Mighty and
Exalted because verily they are going against the way and guidance of
Muhammad (SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam), and the Salaf (the Righteous
Predecessors) while putting their religion at risk; most of the time they become
lost, go astray and join the (evil) hizbee groups.
Advice to the One Who Sits With the People of Desires
Ibn ‘Aqeel was a mountain from the mountains of the intellectuals,
profoundness, and knowledge. He was advised not to go and (sit with) the
mu’tazilah, (he however, did not heed the advice); he went to them and became
mu’tazilee. Abu Thar was from the students of Ad Daaruqutnee the Imaam of
the Sunnah, he (Abu Thar) heard a statement (from the people of innovation)
which overwhelmed him and he became a shi’ite. Abdur Razaaq used to sit
with Ja’far Bin Sulaimaan Ad Dabi’ee who had with him some shi’ite ways and
thus he (Abdur Razaaq) changed. He adopted shi’ism and thus became a poor
impoverished one from the shi’ite; although the shi’ism he had with him was
not extreme, and he is not to be faulted (to the same extent of the shi’ite that is
extreme); never the less he fell into shi’ism and was affected by it.
Therefore, the one who sits with the people of falsehood will most definitely be
affected by them despite what they want and will. No matter what they claim,
they will definitely be affected because the Messenger (SallAllahu Alaihi
Wasallam) is the truthful one who is trusted. He (SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam) has
warned against this and said,
“Verily the example of the righteous sitting and the evil sitting is like
that of the merchant of fine perfumes and the ironsmith. As far as the
merchant of perfume, he may either give you a sample as a gift, or you
may purchase some perfume from him, or (at least) you find from him a
good smell. Whereas, the ironsmith will either burn your clothes (due to
the flying sparks of iron oar), or you will find from him a bad smell.”
The righteous sitting –masha Allah- has three possible scenarios, all of them
being good. Either he will give you a sample as a gift saying “here you may
have this”, put some on you, or give you a bottle of perfume (as a gift). Or,
you may buy some perfume from him. You will benefit from him and this is
good. You’re not buying from him alcohol or something that is prohibited;
rather you are buying from him fine oils that Allah loves. Something that you
are encouraged to put on before you pray and/or enter into the Masjid. So like
this you will benefit from him. Or, (at least) you will find a good smell from
him and this too is good.
The evil sitting is like sitting with the ironsmith. Either he will burn your
clothes or you will find from him a repugnant smell (whose fumes) may cause
cancer or some other type of sickness and we seek refuge in Allah from this.
Advice to the One Who Sits With the People of Desires
So the evil sitting will most definitely afflict you in a bad way and with evil.
“An individual is on the religion of his companion and close friend, so let
each of you look carefully to the one whom they befriend.”
“The friends on that day will become enemies one to another except
those who are pious.” (Az Zukhruf: 67)
The people of desires and innovation are not from them (i.e. the pious). You
have verses and ahaadeeth1 that warn you (about sitting with the people of
innovation). (Yet despite all of this) you say, “No, get out of here (that’s not
going to happen to me).” Who has granted you an impermeable protection?
The Prophet (SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam) used to warn the Sahaabah (from
sitting with the people of innovation), the Salaf who where like mountains (of
knowledge, faith, adherence to the truth, etc.) used to plug their ears (from
listening to the people of innovation) and did not want to hear anything from
them. But you, you go to them, visit them and attend their gatherings, (you will
be) afflicted by their evil, deceptions, and accusations.
We have tried abundantly; we have tried abundantly, for more than thirty years
we have been trying (to get across to the likes of these people). They have
been deceived, lost and broken down. Their end result has already been
determined; they WILL be lost (and miserable). We ask Allah for safety!
Not matter what level of intelligences you achieve, (if you sit with them), verily
Allah will punish you. Your intelligence will not avail you. You must take the
necessary steps and means to safeguard and protect this religion that Allah has
given to you. Do not play with this bounty!
Presently, you will find that the hizbees of this country (Saudi Arabia), all of
them where originally Salafy as the origins of this country is Salafiyyah. All of
these (indigenous Saudi citizens) who became hizbee where lost due to them
mixing (with the hizbees), living along side of them, reading their books and
listening to the (tapes) of the people of desires.
1 Plural of hadeeth
Advice to the One Who Sits With the People of Desires
Everyone you see now, who it is said about them that they are hizbee, all of
them where lost due to this path; they were all taken and destroyed by the (evil)
philosophy, “I am taking the truth and leaving the evil.” (In reality), they are
taking the evil and leaving the truth, they become enemies to the truth. They
(end up) becoming of those who war against the people of the truth!