"Whoever treads on a path in search of Islamic knowledge, Allah will ease the way to Paradise for him. The angels will lower their wings, pleased with this seeker of knowledge, and everyone in the heavens and on earth will ask forgiveness for the knowledgeable person, even the fish in the deepest of waters will ask for his forgiveness” [Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah, Tirmidhi # 2835-sahih hadith]

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Some Statements of the Salaf on Ilmul-Kalaam

Imaam Ash-Shaafi’ee (d.204) said, 

“My ruling regarding the people of Kalaam (theological rhetoric) is that they should be beaten with palm leaves and shoes and be paraded amongst the kinsfolk and the tribes with it being announced, ‘This is the reward of the one who abandons the Book and the sunnah and turns to theological rhetoric (kalaam).
[Sharh 'Aqeedatut-Tahaawiyyah og Ibn 'Abdil-'Izz, p. 75]
Ibn ‘Abdil-Barr said,The people of Fiqh and Aathaar in all the various towns and cities are agreed unanimously that the Ahlul-Kalaam (People of theological rhetoric) are but Ahlul-Bida’ waz-Zaigh (the People of Innovations and Deviation). And they are not considered, by all of the above, to be amongst the ranks of the Scholars (in truth).
[Reported by Ibn Qudaamah in his Burhaan Fee Bayaanil-Qur'aan]
Imaam Ash-Shaafi’ee said, “That a person is pout to trail with everything that Allaah has forbidden, besides Shirk, is better than that he looks at Kalaam (theological rhetoric).
Imaam Ash-Shaafi’ee also said,If people knew what (misleading and destructive) desires are contained within theological rhetoric they would certainly flee from it as they would from a lion.
Imaam Ash-Shaafi’ee also said, Whoever showed boldness in approaching theological rhetoric will never prosper.
[Reported by Ibn Qudaamah in his Burhaan Fee Bayaanil-Qur'aan]
One of the Scholars of Ash-Shaash said:
“Every knowledge except that of the Qur’aan is a pre-occupationExcept for the Hadeeth and Fiqh (understanding) of the deenKnowledge is only that about which it is said,‘Haddathanaa…” (So and so narrated to us (a hadeeth))And what is besides thatAre but whisperings of the Shaytaan (Devils)”
 Aboo Yoosuf, the companion of Aboo Haneefah, said,“Whoever sought knowledge by Kalaam (theological rhetoric) will turn a heretical apostate.
Imaam Ahmad (d. 241) said,The person of theological rhetoric will never prosper. And never do you see anyone looking into theological rhetoric except that in his heart is a desire for creating mischief.
[Both the above narrations are reported Ibn Qudaamah in his Burhaan Fee Bayaanil-Qur'aan]
[Taken from "Foundations Of The Sunnah" Pp. 16-17]
Imam al-Barbahaaree (rahimahullah):
Rhetoric (kalaam) causes disbelief, doubts, innovations, misguidance and confusion. May Allah have mercy upon you! Know that heresy, disbelief, doubts, innovations, misguidance and confusion about the religion have never occurred except through theological rhetoric (Kalam) and because of the people of theological rhetoric, argumentation, debating and disputation. How can a man plunge into argumentation, disputation and debatingseeing that Allah, the Most High, said: None dispute regarding the Aayaat (revelations, signs, proofs) of Allah except those who disbelieve. (Soorah Ghaafir 40:4) You should submit to and be pleased with the narrations and the people of narrations, withhold and remain silent.” (The Explanation of The Creed of Imaam Al Barbahaaree)
Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (rahimahullah):
There is no analogical reasoning in the Sunnah and examples or likenesses are not to be made for it. Nor is it grasped and comprehended by the intellects or the desires. Rather it [consists of] following [and depending upon] it and abandoning the hawaa [desire].” (Foundations of the Sunnah)“The person of theological rhetoric will never prosper. And never do you see anyone looking into theological rhetoric except that in his heart is a desire for creating mischief.’ (Reported by Ibn Qudaamah in his Burhaan fee Bayaanil-Qur’an)
“ For indeed, (indulging in) theological rhetoric (kalaam) in the matter of Qadar, the Ru’yah (seeing Allaah in the Hereafter), the Qur’aan and other such issues are among the ways that are detested and which are forbidden. The one Who does so, even if he reaches the truth with his words, is not from Ahlus-Sunnah, until he abandons (using) this mode of argumentation, [and until he] submits and believes in the Aathaar (the Prophetic Narrations & those of the Companions).” (Foundations of the Sunnah)
Imam Sufyaan ath-Thawree (rahimahullah):
repeated thrice: “This religion is based upon narrations not opinions, This religion is based upon narrations not opinions, This religion is based upon narrations not opinions.” (Sharaf Ashaabul Hadeeth)
Imam al-Awzaa’ee ( rahimahullah):
“Hold fast to the narrations of the Salaf, even if people were to abandon you. (And) Beware of the opinions of the people, no matter how much they beautify it with their speech.” (Majmoo’ al-Fataawaa vol. 12, p. 497)

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